Interface EntityMutationTriggerConfiguration<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>

Interface to define trigger behavior for entities.

Type Parameters

  • TFields extends object

  • TID extends NonNullable<TFields[TSelectedFields]>

  • TViewerContext extends ViewerContext

  • TEntity extends ReadonlyEntity<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TSelectedFields>

  • TSelectedFields extends keyof TFields = keyof TFields


  • EntityMutationTriggerConfiguration


afterAll?: EntityMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs within the transaction but after the entity is created in, updated in, or deleted from the database and the cache is invalidated.

afterCommit?: EntityNonTransactionalMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs after committing the mutation transaction. If the call to the mutation is wrapped in a transaction, these will be run after the wrapping transaction is completed.

afterCreate?: EntityMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs within the transaction but after the entity is created in the database and cache is invalidated.

afterDelete?: EntityMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs within the transaction but after the entity is deleted from the database and cache is invalidated.

afterUpdate?: EntityMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs within the transaction but after the entity is updated in the database and cache is invalidated.

beforeAll?: EntityMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs within the transaction but before the entity is created, updated, or deleted.

beforeCreate?: EntityMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs within the transaction but before the entity is created in the database.

beforeDelete?: EntityMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs within the transaction but before the entity is deleted from the database.

beforeUpdate?: EntityMutationTrigger<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TSelectedFields>[]

Trigger set that runs within the transaction but before the entity is updated in the database.

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