Class EntitySecondaryCacheLoader<TLoadParams, TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TPrivacyPolicy, TSelectedFields>Abstract
A secondary cache loader allows for arbitrary cache keying for load params, which are a set of params used to load
a single entity field object.
Note that this cache cannot be automatically invalidated like other entity caches so it must be manually invalidated
when the underlying data of a cache key could be stale.
This is most commonly used to further optimize hot paths that cannot make use of normal entity cache loading
due to use of a non-unique-field-based EntityLoader method like loadManyByFieldEqualityConjunctionAsync or
A secondary cache loader allows for arbitrary cache keying for load params, which are a set of params used to load a single entity field object.
Note that this cache cannot be automatically invalidated like other entity caches so it must be manually invalidated when the underlying data of a cache key could be stale.
This is most commonly used to further optimize hot paths that cannot make use of normal entity cache loading due to use of a non-unique-field-based EntityLoader method like