Enumeration EntityEdgeDeletionBehavior

Enumeration Members


Delete all entities that reference the entity being deleted through this field. This is very similar to SQL ON DELETE CASCADE but is done in the Entity framework instead of at the underlying level. This will also invalidate the cached referencing entities.


Invalidate the cache for all entities that reference the entity being deleted through this field, and transitively run deletions on those entities. This is most useful when the database itself expresses foreign keys and cascading deletes and the entity framework just needs to be kept consistent with the state of the database.


Set this field to null when the referenced entity is deleted. This is very similar to SQL ON DELETE SET NULL but is done in the Entity framework instead of at the underlying level. This will also invalidate the cached referencing entities.


Invalidate the cache for all entities that reference the entity being deleted through this field. This is most useful when the database itself expresses foreign keys and cascading "SET NULL"s and the entity framework just needs to be kept consistent with the state of the database.