Interface EntityCompanionDefinition<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TPrivacyPolicy, TSelectedFields>

Definition for constructing a companion for an entity. Defines the core set of objects used to power the entity framework for a particular type of entity.

Type Parameters


The concrete Entity class for which this is the definition.

entityConfiguration: EntityConfiguration<TFields>

The EntityConfiguration for this entity.

entitySelectedFields?: TSelectedFields[]

An optional subset of fields defined in the EntityConfiguration which belong to this entity. For use when multiple types of entities are backed by a single table (EntityConfiguration) yet only expose a subset of the fields.

An optional list of EntityMutationTrigger for this entity.

An optional list of EntityMutationValidator for this entity.

privacyPolicyClass: IPrivacyPolicyClass<TPrivacyPolicy>

The EntityPrivacyPolicy class for this entity.