Class EntityLoaderUtils<TFields, TID, TViewerContext, TEntity, TPrivacyPolicy, TSelectedFields>

Entity loader utilities for things like invalidation, entity construction, and authorization. Methods are exposed publicly since in rare cases they may need to be called manually.

Type Parameters



metricsAdapter: IEntityMetricsAdapter


  • Construct and authorize entities from field objects array, returning error results for entities that fail to construct or fail to authorize.


    • fieldObjects: readonly Readonly<TFields>[]

      array of field objects

    Returns Promise<readonly Result<TEntity>[]>

  • Construct and authorize entities from fields map, returning error results for entities that fail to construct or fail to authorize.

    Type Parameters

    • K


    • map: ReadonlyMap<K, readonly Readonly<TFields>[]>

      map from an arbitrary key type to an array of entity field objects

    Returns Promise<ReadonlyMap<K, readonly Result<TEntity>[]>>

  • Invalidate all caches for an entity. One potential use case would be to keep the entity framework in sync with changes made to data outside of the framework.


    • entity: TEntity

      entity to be invalidated

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Invalidate all caches for an entity's fields. Exposed primarily for internal use by EntityMutator.


    • objectFields: Readonly<TFields>

      entity data object to be invalidated

    Returns Promise<void>