📄️ Link
The Expo Router Link component is a wrapper around the React Navigation Link component. It is used to navigate to a route using a declarative API.
📄️ Navigation Container
The global React Navigation ` is completely managed by Expo Router. Expo Router provides systems for achieving the same functionality as the NavigationContainer` without needing to use it directly.
📄️ Native Stack
The Stack Layout in Expo Router wraps the Native Stack Navigator from React Navigation, not to be confused with the legacy JS Stack Navigator.
📄️ Moving between screens
Ports the guide React Navigation: Navigating to Expo Router.
📄️ Passing parameters to the routes
Ports the guide React Navigation: Params to Expo Router.
📄️ Custom navigators
You can create your own custom navigators with the Navigator component.
📄️ Drawer navigation
To use the React Navigation drawer navigator with Expo Router, do the following:
📄️ Drawer
To use drawer navigator you'll need to install some extra dependencies.
📄️ Navigation State
Use routes instead of the navigation state.
📄️ Screen tracking for analytics
Unlike React Navigation, Expo Router always has access to a URL. This means screen tracking is as easy as the web.
📄️ Screen
Qualified layouts, like the ones found in expo-router (Stack, Tabs, Navigator) have a static Screen component which can be used to configure the behavior of a route declaratively.
📄️ Stack
The Stack Layout in Expo Router wraps the Native Stack Navigator from React Navigation, if you want to use the legacy JS Stack Navigator then do the following.
📄️ Themes
In React Navigation, you set the theme for the entire app using the ` component. Expo Router manages the root container for you, so instead you should set the theme using the ThemeProvider` directly.
📄️ useLinkTo
Do not use the useLinkTo hook from React Navigation, instead use the useRouter hook from Expo Router.
📄️ useNavigation
Expo Router exports a custom useNavigation hook that optionally accepts a relative route fragment to access any parent navigation prop.
📄️ useRoute
Do not use the useRoute hook from React Navigation, instead use the following hooks: